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15 Nov 2017

What are the best hazardous area heaters?

Last month we looked at hazardous area equipment for cold weather in terms of the lower end of the operating temperature range – but what......
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24 Oct 2017

From incident to accident: safeguarding hazardous areas on oil rigs

Offshore structures such as oil rigs are often hazardous areas in their entirety, to a greater or lesser degree, as an incident anywhere on the......
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26 Sep 2017

Specifying hazardous area equipment for cold weather

When specifying hazardous area equipment for immediate use this autumn-winter, it’s natural to take temperature into account, especially if the ...
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10 Aug 2017

Do hazardous areas need an external ignition source?

Hazardous areas in general – and especially in terms of Zone 0, 1 and 2 designations – occur in the presence of a potentially combustible....
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1 Aug 2017

LPG spills create highly explosive hazardous areas

LPG spills may create more dangerous hazardous areas than was previously known, according to the results of research published in the Journal of the S...
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25 Jul 2017

Manage hazardous area equipment with vending machines

SupplyPoint vending machines from Cable Systems are a great way to manage hazardous area equipment, giving you instant inventory control and user perm...
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24 Jul 2017

HSE fatality statistics show risks of hazardous areas

Several of the types of accidents seen in the recently published HSE fatality statistics for 2016-17 are of kinds that could be associated with the......
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22 Jun 2017

Hazardous area equipment that makes itself heard

Some hazardous area equipment should be seen, but hopefully not heard – for instance, you might hope you will never hear an alarm or siren......
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14 Jun 2017

Standard sizes mean faster retrofits of hazardous area enclosures

Hazardous area enclosures protect electrical components from possible damage, for example due to contact with corroding chemicals, but when you want t...
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